RayOne® Spheric

RayOne® Spheric

When creating RayOne® , we developed our MICS lens and unique patented Lock & Roll™ technology as part of the same design process; this combination has resulted in the smallest fully preloaded injector available (1.65 mm nozzle).

Our new RayOne® MICS lens is an enhanced version of the tried-and-tested C-flex and Superflex platform, combined into a single 6 mm optic design.

We have retained the material and design benefits of our original lenses, without compromising on proven stability or optical performance.

RayOne Spheric with the largest fully preloaded power range available. From -10.0 to 34.0 Dioptres


When considering an intraocular lens, what’s important to you?

Reliable optical outcomes and a low rate of post-operative complications


Designed with Rayner’s Anti-Vaulting Haptic (AVH) Technology®. Our RayOne® IOL provides proven rotational and centrational stability, and excellent fixation in the capsular bag1

  • Superb centration
  • - Maximum offset of only 1 mm 3 months after surgery2
  • Excellent rotational and torsional stability
  • - 3.1° mean IOL rotation 3 months after surgery2

Reducing dysphotopsia by design12

  • Rayner’s Enhanced Square Edge Technology shows no general increase in glare from previous models without a square edge7
  • The low refractive index (1.46) of Rayacryl®

360° Optimised Barrier to reduce PCO – Low Nd: YAG capsulotomy rates

  • Rayner’s 360° Amon-Apple Enhanced Square Edge creates an optimum barrier to reduce epithelial cell migration including at the haptic-optic junction 7,5
At 12 months 0.6% 9.3 ± 5.5 months (range 2.6 - 22.7 months)
Follow-up period: 5.3 – 29 months
At 24 months 1.7%

Study of 3,461 patients receiving Rayner 570C IOLs over a 24 month period, Nd:YAG capsulotomy rates were extremely low and comparable with hydrophobic acrylic lenses with square-edge optics7

Vacuole free material for a glistening free IOL

  • Single piece IOL created from Rayacryl® an homogeneous material free of microvacuoles, resulting in a glistening free IOL8
  • Compressible material for delivery through a micro incision
  • Excellent handling characteristics with controlled unfolding within the capsular bag
  • Low silicone oil adherence9
  • Excellent uveal biocompatibility13
  • Hydrophilic acrylic material with low inflammatory response10


  1. Claoué C. Clinical and Surgical Ophthalmology 2008; 26(6): 198-200
  2. Alberdi R et al. J Refract Surg. 2012; 28(10):696-700
  3. Nanavaty MA et al. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2009; 35:663–671
  4. Yagci R et al. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2014 Jul 24; 24(5):688-92
  5. Vyas AV et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 2007; 33:81-87
  6. Johansson B et al. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2007; 33:1565–1572
  7. Mathew RG and Coombes AGA. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2010 Nov-Dec; 41(6):651-5
  8. Rayner. Data on File. White paper
  9. McLoone E et al. Br J Ophthalmol. 2001; 85:543–545
  10. Richter-Mueksch S et al. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2007; 33:1414–1418
  11. Altmann GE et al. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2005; 31(3): 574-585
  12. Cezón Prieto J and Bautista MJ. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2010; 36:1508-1516
  13. Tomlins PJ et al. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014; 40:618–625
  14. Pepose JS et al. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2009 Jul;247(7):965-73

RayOne® with patented Lock & Roll™ technology for a smoother, more consistent rolling and delivery of the lens via micro incision

Easy to use, true 2-step system

  • Simple and intuitive
    • - Minimal learning curve
    • - Minimises error
  • Increase efficiencies
    • - Designed to enable repeatability
    • - Reduces operating time
  • STEP 1. Insert OVD into cartridge via port
  • STEP 2. Lock cartridge ready for implantation

Lock & Roll technology

  • Rolls the lens to under half its size before injection
    • - Consistent, smoother delivery
    • - Reduces insertion forces
  • Fully enclosed cartridge with no lens handling
    • - Reduces the risk of lens damage
    • - Minimises chance of contamination

1.65 mm RayOne® nozzle

  • Smallest fully preloaded injector nozzle
    • - Ease of insertion
    • - Compatible with MICS
  • Parallel sided for minimal stretch
    • - Sub 2.2 mm wound-in delivery
    • - Maintains incision architecture
Model Name: RayOne Spheric
Model Number: RAO100C
Power Range:

-10.0 D to +7.0 D (1.0 D increments, inc. plano)

+8.0 D to +30.0 D (0.5 D increments)

+31.0 D to +34.0 D (1.0 D increments)

推注器类型: Fully preloaded IOL injection system
Incision Size: Sub 2.2 mm
Injector Type: Single use, fully preloaded IOL injection system
喷嘴直径: 1.65 mm
喷嘴斜面角度: 45°
人工晶体推送方式: 单手植入
Spheric Monofocal IOL
Material: Rayacryl® 亲水丙烯酸
含水量: 26% in equilibrium
紫外线防护: 紫外线吸收剂
紫外线透过率: UV 10% (380 nm)
屈光指数: 1.46
Overall Diameter: 12.50 mm
Optic Diameter: 6.00 mm
Optic Shape: Biconvex (positive powers), Biconcave (negative powers)
光学部边缘设计: Amon-Apple 360° enhanced square edge
襻夹角: 0°, uniplanar
襻形: Closed loop with anti-vaulting haptic (AVH) technology
Estimated Constants for Optical Biometry
SRK/T Haigis HofferQ Holladay
A-constant a0 a1 a2 pACD SF
118.6 1.17 0.40 0.10 5.32 1.56

For Contact Ultrasound, the estimated A-constant is 118.0 Please note that the constants indicated for all Rayner lenses are estimates and are for guidance purposes only. Surgeons must always expect to personalise their own constants based on initial patient outcomes, with further personalisation as the number of eyes increases.

Not all products or offerings are approved or offered in every market and approved labelling and instructions may vary from one country to another. For country specific product information contact your local distributor or email  iol_enquires@rayner.com.

This product is not approved by the FDA for use or distribution in the United States of America.

Rayner hold a selection of EC certificates for various products. Please contact the  Regulatory Affairs team for the current version.

Scientific Papers and Supporting Materials