On Wednesday 6th May 2009, Rayner Intraocular Lenses Ltd donated 1,000 intraocular lenses to the Bureau for the Prevention of Blindness in South Africa. Rayner’s South African distributor, Surgical & Ophthalmic Supplies Pty, had the honour of officially presenting the lenses to Dr Paul Davis, Chairman of the bureau.
The Bureau’s aim is to make eye care accessible to all South Africans, particularly disadvantaged township and rural people. The Bureau performs cataract and other surgery, including treating various eye conditions such as glaucoma.
Over the past 50 years the Bureau, in collaboration with various government, provincial and local health authorities, has developed a comprehensive national eye service.
Their programme includes Sight Saver tours – where teams of ophthalmologists, nursing and administrative staff visit rural hospitals and eye care centres. They provide a full stock of equipment and consumables. The Bureau also organises weekend urban tours, providing care to people from informal settlements.
Rayner has supported the Bureau in the past and once again it was our pleasure to donate 1,000 lenses, showing our appreciation for the outstanding work done by the Bureau for the people of South Africa.